Saturday, April 6, 2013

Lets be honest, there are two people who inspired this mess of a blog. That would be Kara Jane Winter and Hailey Devine. Two avid bloggers who quite frankly, inspire me. One I know, well. And the other I've never met. There are mornings when I wake up and think to myself what would these two beauts do on a day like today? Both stunning daughters of our Heavenly Father with outstanding testimonies and rockin' lives. Both cute as could be. Both women I aspire to be. Along with countless other non-bloggers/closet-bloggers who I look up to. (Or down, standing a whopping 6 feet tall, there aren't many I actually look up to.) Most days I feel so inferior to so many, which I know is completely irrational. I've got a lot going for me, even if I need to convince myself of it. Most days I feel so uncool. Granted, I am. But some days I'd like to fool myself into thinking I'm as cool as the above mentioned ladies. Before things get worse...

Yours Truly, Julie.

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